Subjects in which Research facility is available

1. Bio-Science
2. Biotechnology
3. Bioinformatics
4. Biochemistry
5. Chemistry
6. Chemical Engineering
7. Computer Science
8. Drawing & Painting
9. Design
10. Dance
11. Economics
12. Education

13. Electronics
14. English
15. French
16. German
17. Geography
18. Hindi
19. History
20. Home Science (Human Development, Food Science & Nutrition, Clothing & Textile and Extension Education )
21. LAW

22. Library & Information Science
23. Management
24. Mathematics
25. Music (Vocal/ Instrumental)
26. Physical Education
27. Political Science
28 Psychology
29. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
30. Physics
31. Pharmacy
32. Public Administration
33. Remote Sensing

34. Sanskrit
35. Sociology
36. Statistics
37. Social Work
38. Women Studies
39. Environmental Science
40. Automation
41. Commerce

Revised Bye-Laws related to Research Programme for the award of Ph.D. Degree-(Effective from 1st September, 2011)

C.1.(1) A candidate who has obtained a Master’s degree in the subject or related field with at least 55% marks in aggregate or has qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the University Grants commission may apply for Admission for the Ph.D. degree at any time during the academic year for pursuing his/her research work under the guidance of a supervisor approved by the Vidyapith. Every applicant is expected to attach Master’s degree marks sheet along with application. Every candidate will appear in the Research Entrance Test (RET) which may also be conducted online. Qualifying RET is a mandatory requirement for enrollment, and until that stage the admission shall be treated as provisional.

Note: A candidate who has a minimum 5 years work experience (Teaching/Industrial/Research) may be given relaxation of 5% by the Vice-Chancellor for registration for Ph.D. programme.

C.1. (2) The following persons be considered eligible to act as research supervisors of the Vidyapith:

(a) Professors/Associate Professors of the Vidyapith in the subject of their specialization.

(b) All teachers in the Vidyapith possessing a Doctoral degree with at least five years’ experience of post-doctoral research work or at least five years post-graduate teaching /industrial work experience.

(c) Teachers with at least fifteen years’ teaching experience (not below degree classes) and independent research publications equivalent to Ph.D. work.

C.1.(3) A candidate may work under the guidance of a recognized research supervisor not belonging to the Vidyapith. A distinguished person normally in active association with the Vidyapith, who is well-versed with the educational ideology and ethos of the Vidyapith, and meets at least three of the following conditions:

1. Is a Professor in an institute/university of repute;

2. Has a minimum of 15 years of experience of teaching/industry/research;

3. Has a minimum of 10 publications in refereed journals of repute; and

4. Has supervised at least five Ph.D. thesis;

may be recommended by a Research Board member to act as an external research supervisor for a period of five years.

The Research Board may consider granting an extension for a further term of five years. External Supervisor who has successfully completed two terms of five years tenure may be granted such a status permanently by the Research Board. However, under exceptional circumstances the Research Board may decide to withdraw such a status.

C.1.(4) All external supervisors shall be treated as Adjunct Faculty of the Vidyapith. It is expected that all external supervisors shall show their affiliation in the theses supervised by them and also in all publications arising out of their supervision of doctoral research work.

C.1.(5) A candidate may work under joint supervision of two (approved) supervisors. The supervisors are not necessarily required to belong to the same faculty/subject.

C.1.(6) No persons will be allowed to guide his/her close relations. The term ‘close relation’ includes wife, husband, son, daughter, grand-son, grand-daughter, brother, sister, nephew, niece, grand-niece, grand-nephew, uncle, aunt, first cousin, son in law, daughter in law, nephew, niece, grand-niece and grand-nephew of the supervisor’s wife.

C.1.(7) A candidate shall be treated as duly enrolled for the Ph.D. programme after it is verified that he meets the eligibility criteria, has qualified RET, and has submitted migration certificate of the University from which he/she took the Master’s degree. Candidates who have already been enrolled once in the Vidyapith shall be issued the same enrollment number automatically on the submission of the migration certificate

C.1.(8) After enrolment a research scholar will be required to submit a Synopsis ordinarily not exceeding 10 A4 size pages (with 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing), but under no circumstances exceeding 20 pages. Synopsis of the proposed research work needs to be submitted preferably within 6 months and not later than 12 months. Generally, the synopsis should include national and international status related to the proposed work, clear objectives of the research work, methodology and plan of the work along with research output and other deliverables, if any. The synopsis should also include a list of relevant references.

C.1.(9) All submitted synopses would be properly evaluated by Research Advisory Committee (RAC), consisting of HOD, supervisor and two more experts, one each nominated by HOD and the Supervisor. The RAC shall be chaired by the Supervisor. HOD/Supervisor may also recommend to the Vice-Chancellor appointment of external expert(s) in case desired expertise is not available within the department. The candidate may also be required to give a presentation of his/ her synopsis before RAC members, which shall be open to all. Based on evaluation of synopses by RAC and its presentation, RAC will submit their recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor. The RAC may also recommend course work required to be undertaken by the Ph.D. candidate.

C.1(10) The synopsis submitted by the candidate, after favorable recommendations of the RAC, shall be referred to two/three external experts nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. The research supervisor shall suggest a panel of 5 to 8 examiners. The Vice-Chancellor may also appoint experts outside the panel submitted by the Supervisor.

C.1.(11) Recommendations of RAC as well as the opinion of the external expert on the Synopsis shall be placed before the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor, after satisfying herself/himself that the subject is one which is considered suitable for research to be pursued and that the candidate possesses the requisite qualifications, will pass necessary orders for the registration of the candidate concerned as Ph.D. scholar. The orders of the Vice-Chancellor will be reported to the Research Board.

C.1.(12) The RAC duly constituted for every research scholar should submit a progress report once every year.

C.1.(13) A candidate may initiate his/her research work after admission, however, his/her registration shall be processed only after his/her synopsis has been duly approved and the Vice-Chancellor has passed the order for his/her registration. The date of commencement of research work of an admitted student shall be the date of submission of his/her application.

C.1(4) Educational fee and all other fees, as may be prescribed from time to time shall be paid in the beginning of the academic session in the month of July and at stipulated time, respectively. In case one fails to deposit the dues within 6 months of the due date, his/ her admission shall automatically stand cancelled. The fee will be charged from the date of admission to the Vidyapith, and it shall be paid till the candidate submits his/her thesis to the Vidyapith. The candidate will be required to clear all due by the time of Synopsis and thesis submission, failing which synopsis/thesis will not be processed further until all dues are cleared by the candidate.

C.1.(15) A candidate ordinarily shall not be permitted to change the scheme of his/her subject during the courses of his/her study. If, however, an occasion arises due to technical difficulties, the Vice-Chancellor may on the recommendation of the supervisor and Head of Department concerned permit the modification of the subject.

C.1.(16) Every candidate shall pursue a course of research as a student of the Vidyapith for not less than two years from the date of application. If a candidate is unable to submit his/her thesis at the end of five years, he or she shall seek the permission of the Vice-Chancellor for the extension of time, as may be necessary, subject to a maximum of three years. Registration of the candidate will be automatically cancelled if he/she has not submitted the thesis and has not applied for extension.

C.1.(17) If a candidate fails to submit her/ his thesis after availing him/herself of the maximum possible extension in the time, he/she may be allowed fresh registration on the same topic on the special recommendation of the supervisor concerned on the payment of usual fee, provided an application for fresh registration is made within three months from the date on which fresh registration is granted, failing which the registration will finally stand cancelled.

C.1.(18) Normally no candidate registered for the Ph.D. degree shall be allowed to take up any other examination. However, in exceptional cases in the interest of research, the Vice-Chancellor may grant such permission on the recommendation of the supervisor and Head of Department concerned.

C.1.(19) A candidate will be expected to publish a minimum of two research papers in refereed journal of repute. No candidate will submit the Ph.D. thesis unless the RAC has notified the Vidyapith that the thesis is ready for submission. Along with the RAC report, copies of two research publications published, or accepted for publication, in refereed journals of repute are required to be attached.

C.1.(20) A candidate may incorporate in his/her thesis contents of any of his/her own published papers based on work done by him/herself during the course of Ph.D., provided that they have not been already used for obtaining a degree of the Vidyapith or of any other University and he/she shall state this in unambiguous terms in the relevant parts of the thesis.

C.1.(21) (a) When the supervisor notifies to the Vidyapith that the thesis is ready for submission, the candidate will ordinarily submit his/her thesis within six months of this notification by the supervisor.

(b) The colour of the cover of the Ph.D. thesis submitted for evaluation will be as per the link –

C.1.(22) ‘No dues’ certificate duly signed by the Head of the Department concerned, Librarian of the Vidyapith, Accounts Section and the Hostel Warden concerned, shall be required to be submitted along with the thesis.

C.1.(23) After the thesis is complete, the candidate shall supply six printed or type-written copies of the thesis, together with the prescribed supplication fee. The language used in the thesis shall be English or Hindi unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Vice-Chancellor. The thesis shall comply with the following conditions:
(i) It must be a piece of research work characterized either by the discovery of new facts or by a fresh approach towards interpretation of facts or theories. In either case, it should prove the candidate’s capacity for the critical examination, sound judgment and clarity of expression. The candidate shall indicate how far the thesis embodies the result of his/her investigations and in what respect it appears to his/ her to advance the study of the subject.

(ii) A critical edition or translation of work, approved specially for the purpose by the Research Board at the time of registration, when accompanied by an adequate introduction and commentary of the scholarly nature, may also be considered for the award of a Ph.D. degree provided that the other requirements are fulfilled.

(iii) A certificate shall be furnished by the supervisor indicating how far the work is the original work of the candidate.

C.1.(24) The thesis when received shall be referred for the evaluation to the supervisor and three external examiners. This panel will have eight names giving details regarding designation, postal address, telephone numbers and field of specializations out of which at least five must be at Professor’s rank. The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint examiners out of this panel. However, the Vice-Chancellor may also appoint examiners from outside the panel suggested by the supervisor.

C.1.(25) (a) The examiners shall be requested to send their reports on the thesis normally within three months. If all the examiners recommend that the thesis is suitable for the award of Ph.D. degree, a viva-voce examination (to be conducted by two examiners including the supervisor) shall be held in all the cases.

(b) If the original examiner(s) are not available for the viva-voce, another person from within the country may be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

(c) The examiners shall send their reports independently to the Vice-Chancellor by name marked ‘Confidential’.

(d) If in the first instance, all the examiners evaluating the thesis as well as those conducting the viva-voce examination recommend the award of the degree to the candidate, the degree shall be awarded.

(e) If the majority of the referees recommend rejection of the thesis, the thesis shall be rejected.

(f) In case of divergence of opinion among the three referees, the report of each referee will be sent to another two, with a view to obtaining agreement among them. If even exchange of reports, the case is not decidable under clauses (d) and (e), the following procedure shall be followed:
If two examiners have accepted the thesis while the third has asked for its revision, the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the supervisor, shall either allow the candidate to revise the thesis or appoint a fourth examiner. If a fourth examiner is appointed, his opinion shall be final. If two examiners have accepted the thesis and the third has rejected it, the thesis shall be sent for evaluation to the fourth examiner and his/her opinion shall be final. If one of the three examiners has accepted the thesis, another has rejected it, while the third has asked for its revision, the thesis shall be rejected. When the thesis is rejected under such circumstances, the candidate can get himself/herself registered afresh on the same subject. If the candidate fails to satisfy the viva-voce examiners or if there be a difference between the viva-voce examiners, the candidate may be allowed, on the payment of prescribed fee, to appear at a second viva-voce examination to be held not later than one year from the date of first viva-voce. If at the second viva-voce the candidate fails to satisfy the examiners, his/her thesis shall be finally rejected.

C.1.(26) If a candidate is permitted to improve and resubmit his/her thesis, he/she shall be required to submit it not earlier than six months and not later than twelve months from the date of such permission along with the prescribed fee.
The thesis so resubmitted shall be sent to the same panel of examiners, who evaluated the original one, for adjudicate. The Vice-Chancellor shall, in such contingency, appoint another external examiner or examiners, as the case may be, from the original panel suggested by the supervisor and approved by the Research Board. The revised thesis shall be accepted if at least three examiners recommend acceptance. Candidate shall not be allowed to resubmit his/her thesis more than once.

C.1.(27) The reports of the referees (including those of the viva-voce test) shall be placed before the Vice-Chancellor for approval. After approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the degree be awarded to the candidate at the next convocation of the Vidyapith. Meanwhile if the candidate wants to have a copy of the certificate, the provisional certificate may be issued on the submission of the application and prescribed fee by the candidate.
C.1.(28) Notwithstanding anything contained in the above Bye-laws, if any work relating to the edited texts or calendars of unpublished manuscripts, records or documents, duly accompanied by an adequate introduction and critical appreciation of an outstanding nature, is submitted to the Vidyapith and the experts to whom it is referred for the opinion find it suitable for the purpose, the same may be considered on its own merits for the award of the Ph.D. degree of the Vidyapith provided the other requirements are satisfied.